Moms Want More Help....But Can't Let Go. has an article about moms wanting more help from their husbands. It goes on to say that when they do get help mom is always looking over dad's shoulder making sure it's done her way. A power struggle then develops with mom being called a "Gatekeeper". One dad is even being quoted as saying, "My wife treats me like an au pair she is always on the verge of firing." I agree with this article. In our defense, all we do all day is look after the kids. In doing so we have figured out the best and most efficient way to do it. When we see it done a different way we cannot fathom that there could possibly be a better way than the one we have spent months perfecting. Dads, by nature, are not as good with diapers and pablum. With a little practice and some time alone with the kids they will be able to make things happen. What we don't want to happen is for dad's to decide to not help at all just to keep the peace.


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