Preemie Profile: Ashton Jeffrey Kaden Strohm

Ashton Jeffrey Kaden Strohm was born on June 10th 2005 at 24 weeks gestation after five short hours of labor. He weighed in at 710 grams.

He spent 227 days in neo natal intensive care before coming home January 23rd 2006. However he was only home four short days and returned to PICU for another 27 days. Ashton has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and dystonia. He also feeds by GJ tube 20 hours per day and is currently in the process of going through for a cochlear implant. He is deaf in both his left and right ear.

After all he has been through and continues to go through he is a true miracle and fighter!

Please do what you can to support an organization that is leading the campaign to reduce premature birth by supporting research and by educating the public and health care providers.


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