Top Baby Names for 2006

If you are having a baby this year and are hoping to avoid the most popular names here is the list for 2006. Of course, the same names are still popular this year as they were last. Ladies, please find a good name book and pick something that we have never heard of. Nothing too crazy, so that no one will be able to pronounce or spell your child name.

We used to have too many Michael's, Christopher's and Mathews. Now it's Aiden, Jaden, Kaden and Hayden.

Top 10 Baby Names of 2006


1. Emma (Rank in 2005: 1)

2. Madison (Rank in 2005: 3)

3. Ava (Rank in 2005: 10)

4. Emily (Rank in 2005: 2)

5. Isabella (Rank in 2005: 6)

6. Kaitlyn (Rank in 2005: 4)

7. Sophia (Rank in 2005: 5)

8. Olivia (Rank in 2005: 7)

9. Abigail (Rank in 2005: 11)

10. Hailey (Rank in 2005: 13)


1. Aiden (Rank in 2005: 1)

2. Jacob (Rank in 2005: 2)

3. Ethan (Rank in 2005:3)

4. Ryan (Rank in 2005: 6)

5. Matthew (Rank in 2005: 5)

6. Jack (Rank in 2005: 8)

7. Noah (Rank in 2005: 16)

8. Nicholas (Rank in 2005: 4)

9. Joshua (Rank in 2005: 9)

10. Logan (Rank in 2005: 19)



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