St. Louis Park Couple Expecting Six Babies

Ryan and Brianna Morrison had been try to have a baby for a year. Infertility ran in Brianna's family so after they didn't get pregnant they turned to fertility treatments.

Brianna got pregnant after taking a drug that stimulated egg production in her ovaries. Doctors told her she had ovulated more than ten eggs. Six of those are now growing into healthy babies.

The Morrison's, both in their early twenties, were married less than two years ago. They learned of the news during an ultrasound in Brianna's sixth week of pregnancy.

Brianna is now 16 weeks along. Her orders are to eat and rest as much as possible.

"I need to eat about 4,000 calories a day and gain 75 pounds by week 26," Brianna said.

It's a race against time. Because doctors expect the babies to be born early, they want Brianna to gain weight quickly, so that the babies can also gain weight quickly.

"We saw their heartbeats at six weeks and heard them, which is incredible," Brianna said.

Their church has formed a committee that has already started planning for the babies' arrival. Doctors hope the babies won't come until at least the end of July.

"Can my body handle six babies at once and will the babies be healthy?" Brianna wonders.

"We took this step and this happened to us. We're keeping them. Even though it's risky," Ryan said.

But with help from their doctors, their family, and their faith, the Morrison's believe the odds are on their side.

"Some people would call it chance," Ryan said. "Some people would call it a tragedy. We really consider this a miracle."

I am not sure that this couple knows what they in for. Even if she gets all 6 babies to 26 weeks they will all have a lenghty stay in the NICU. Hoping and praying for one baby took EVERY stitch of energy I had. I could never imagine keeping track of the health of six babies at once.

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