Warning to Parents About the Dangers of Soy Milk for Babies

I found this post at Joseph Mercola's Website. It is an important topic to cover because not enough is know about the dangers of feeding soy milk to babies.

I am not a doctor, so I have used the information from Dr. Mercola's site to create awareness for new moms.

Two vegan parents have been convicted of murder and given life sentences in prison for starving their 6-week-old baby to death.

Though the parents may have thought they were doing the right thing, they were feeding their child a completely inadequate combination of soy milk and apple juice along with a small, but insufficient, amount of breast milk.

Now, soy experts are again calling for clear and proper warning labels on all soy milk products -- indicating that it should NEVER be used in place of infant formula -- following this and several other babies' hospitalizations or deaths under similar circumstances.

Soy infant formula, which currently constitutes 25 percent of the bottle-fed market, is required by law to be heavily supplemented with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids that are not found in brands of soy milk. Though it does not pose an immediate danger to babies, as is the case with soy milk, the Israeli Health Ministry, French Food Agency, British Dietetic Associations and other government bodies have warned parents and pediatricians that it poses health risks to the developing baby and should only be used as a last resort.

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

Soy milk does not contain the nutrients that children need for their growth. In fact, the idea that soy milk is healthy, in and of itself, is a complete myth. Feeding your baby soy milk will lead to severe vitamin, mineral, fatty acid and amino acid deficiencies that can clearly be deadly.

Soy infant formula is not a healthy alternative; it is one of the worst foods you can give your child.

Soy formula poses some serious health hazards, including:

  • ADD/ADHD, brain damage, and altered behavior due to very high levels of manganese
  • Thyroid disease and interference with proper reproductive development due to elevated isoflavone levels; a soy-fed baby receives the equivalent of five birth control pills' worth of estrogen every day, and they have isoflavone levels 13,000 to 22,000 times higher than normal
  • Speech disturbances and reduced brain function, as it contains more than 1,000 percent more aluminum than conventional milk-based formulas

Please, never, ever feed your baby (or any child under the age of 18) soy infant formula or soy milk. And remember, this includes all organic varieties as well.

What you should feed your babies is the food nature intended: breast milk. Studies have also shown that babies who are breastfed exclusively have better functioning immune systems, as well as added protection against:

  • Heart disease
  • Immune system cancers such as lymphoma
  • Asthma and allergies
  • Respiratory infections
  • Eczema
  • Type 1 and type 2 diabetes

If for some reason breast feeding is absolutely not an option, you should take a look at this recipe for a healthy infant formula.



Anonymous said…
Are you crazy or do you just have an agenda? Someone might actually take this serious so it should be removed.
Anonymous said…
To the above comment, THIS is serious and alot more scientists and researchers are doing alot more tests to prove what many doctors and nutitionists have long suspected. Do some studing on this subject and it will shock you. Isn't it interesting that the ones that are marketing this horrible stuff are making billions off of you and this nation as gullible as we are, are feeding directly into it. Interesting fact? No one, not even Asia consumes as much Soy as we do. 72 million acres and counting of soy are a direct fact of this. Please read some more about this.
Anonymous said…
I have a very healthy 15 month old (walking, saying a few words, and very smart). We have switched her over to soy milk over the last few months (from breast milk) and have not noticed any difference in her health.
Anonymous said…
Please take your 15 month old off the formula. My 9 year old was 18 months when we put her on Soy milk. She has had so many health problems through out her life. I thank God that someone allerted me to the problems with soy. As a baby she was in the 75/90 percentiles for her growth. When she was 6 1/2 she began her slide on the charts. over the next 2 years she developed 4 skin diseases, thyroid disease and dropped to the 25th percentile. She barely had enough energy to walk throughout the day. Her emotions out of sync. She had 5 sleep disorders. She had a precancerous skin leision removed from her back. We took her off the soy at 8 1/2 years and began rebuilding her health with diet. She turned 9 in May. She has gained 2 pant sizes; she has energy. All of her skin diseases are gone except Vitaligo...which we are still trying to address. Her thyroid tests normal. She was sooo ill! The soy caused these problems!! Soy is recommended for menopausal women because of all the isoflavons/hormones. Soy should be banned for all children!!!
Anonymous said…
when my son was born 3 years ago I started to breast feed him, however two weeks later I had a pulmonary embolism and was hospitalized for a week and put on warfarin for 6 months, so I decided to stop breastfeeding as I didnt want my son to get any traces of the medication. shortly after he developed reflux so was put on a special type of formula called stay down its extra thick, when he was about 14 months old we tried him on cows milk but he got terrible ezema, so out helth visitor told us to put him on soya milk, so this is what we did, his skin cleared up and to be fair he hasnt had anymore problems. He has just turned 3 and still drinks atleast 2-3 portions of soya milk per day.I have only just heard about these dangers of soya milk and so now im in a panic, apart from throwing the soya milk away what else can I do???
cena said…
this is ridiculous! first off the parents that got sentenced for child endangerment did NOT only feed their child soy milk. they placed that poor child on a COMPLETE vegan diet meaning not only no real milk but no meat, eggs or anything from animals. tofu and very protein-deficient meals were all the poor child got. if your child has a healthy eating habit then soy milk is fine to give. my child has grown up on soy products because like me she is lactose-and-tolerant, but more so. i can eat cheese and such, but she cannot. i have to give her soy, rice and almond supplement diary products. she still eats meat, eggs and things of the sort and she is PERFECTLY healthy. so soy milk is fine to give to kids. doctors also say it is bad to give kids whole milk until their two but how many people do that? again, soy milk is just fine as long as they have a healthy diet.
Anonymous said…
So this person would rather you feed your child manipulated hormones compared to natural beans...

I'm trying hard not to laugh. I put my son on formula after he turned 1, and our doctor had nothing against it as long as he got his fats and vitamins from other sources. If you ONLY feed you child soy milk I could see a huge problem with that, but honestly, who is that stupid?

I stand by soy milk, and specifically choose not to feed my child milk. Go drive by your nearest cow farm, and tell me you want to feed your child that garbage!

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