Cool Quintuplet Ultrasound!!

Jayson and Rachelle live just north of Austin in Cedar Park Texas with their two kids, Riley and Kaiya.

Rachelle is 33 weeks pregnant with quintuplets and the babies expected to arrive next week, probably by caeserean.

The babies will be delivered at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix, which is the same hospital that delivered Jenny Masche's sextuplets almost 2 months ago.

As expected, Rachelle is on bed rest keeping comfortable and eating everything she sees!!

On her blog she updates everyone on her latest ultrasound stating that the babies current combined weight in on target to break a quintuplet birth weight record of 21 lb 1.2 oz.

The babies have been estimated to weight 4 lb 11 oz, 4 lb 12 oz, 4 lb 12 oz, 4 lb 8 oz and 5 lb 9 oz, which is almost 25lbs of baby.

Before the babies were crowded in utero the couple video taped one of their earlier ultrasounds.

They had a great tech who allowed them to see the babies doing some cute stuff. It is neat to see them scroll through each baby trying to figure out the sex of the babies.

The video is a bit long (just over 5 minutes), but worth the watch.


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