UPDATE: Youngest Preemie EVER Thriving and Growing

Amillia Taylor, the world's youngest surviving preemie, appears in this weeks issue of People Magazine.

The micro preemie was born at 21 weeks 6 days gestation, weighing less than 10 ozs and measuring just 9 1/2 inches long.

Her chances of survival were probably 0% at birth due to the fact that the extreme limit of viability is 24 weeks and not many statistics are available for a baby at that gestation.

She defied all odds and joined her parents at home of February 22 of this year. Her weight on the day she left the hospital was 4 1/2 lbs.

People magazine caught up with her family last month and had some great new to report on Amillia's progress.

The little pudger is now tipping the scales at 14lbs 3 ozs. She is able to hold her head up and sits with support.

Oxygen is still required at night while she sleeps, which is common for preemies who have spent extended times in the hospital.

Her care, with insurance coverage, has put her family $40,000 in debt.

That fact seems to be lost on them when they see her smile. "It lights up the room," says Sonja, Amillia's mom. "Every part of her makes me happy."



Virginia Revoir said…
What a fantastic story!

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