Adoptive Mom Waits For Son in Haiti

Sarah has a special place in her heart for Haiti. Two of her children have been adopted from there, along with hosting a special Haitian child when he receives medical care. As news of the earthquake in Haiti spreads Sarah's 4-year-old son Isaac sits in Haiti, among the rubble, waiting for his adoption paperwork to be complete and to come to America.

Haiti is one of the poorest counties in the Western world. A county that has gotten more than its share of tragedy, yet remains full of proud people who are fighting for a chance at a better life. News of the recent 7.0 earthquake seems to be a cruel twist on a place already so full of suffering. Yet for many people, Haiti is only a place they hear of in the news. The outrageous poverty that a county only one and a half hours away from the US faces is rarely fully understood.

Parents like Sarah realize just how close Haiti really is, and how far away it can feel.

There are many families in Haiti suffering right now from the devastation of this recent earthquake. Likewise, there are many groups working to provide aide for Haiti. Sarah's own Medical Advocacy Team helps families with serious medical issues to receive the care they need. Other places to donate include Real Hope for Haiti, Red Cross, Yele, and UNICEF.



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