Parents Devastated After Hospital Denies Their 23 Week Baby Medical Intervention

Latisha and Robert Brown, of Attleborough, Norfolk in the United Kingdom received devastating news after arriving at the hospital with their premature newborn daughter Alexis. Alexis was born at home at just twenty-three weeks gestation, but was alive, active and breathing on her own when the couple arrived at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital last week. Despite the broken hearted mother’s pleas for help, the midwife on duty informed the new parents that medical treatment was not an option. Baby Alexis passed away two hours later, with no medical intervention to try to save her life.

The United Kingdom’s policy on premature infants has been in the news quite a bit over the last year. According to the guidelines, any infant born before twenty-four weeks gestation should not be resuscitated. Alexis was one week shy of a chance at life. The hospitals official response was simply “There was no question of survival for such a premature baby.”

Perhaps the hospital and governing body should read the hundreds of stories on our site of micro-preemies that have beat the odds, and give revision of these “guidelines” some serious thought. Baby Alexis was over a pound at birth, as were Aydan Lahman, Berselia Hernandez Chavarri, and Amillia Taylor. All of these babies, and countless others born before twenty-four weeks gestation, have survived. Little Alexis was not even given a chance. - Jill, Staff Writer

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