Masche 6 All Doing Well
Now that all 6 of their babies are home, Jenny and Brian are settling into a routine that includes 38 bottles of milk, 18 changes of clothes, two loads of laundry and 50 diapers a day. The sextuplets were born at 32 weeks gestation on June 11th. Jenny had been bed rest for an extended period by then and was ready to meet her new family. The babies were lucky enough to only stay in the NICU for about 5 - 6 weeks (each one went home at a different time) and now they have settled into their own home 3 1/2 hours from Phoenix. The Daily Mail has a few photos of the family all together as well as a shot of Jenny in the later days of her pregnancy. They also asked the couple if they will be trying for any more children. The response cleared the colour from both parents faces as they both echoed "no". Bryan has booked an appointment for a vasectomy next month.
Ever since the six babies made their appearance just over 2 months ago there has been a lot of interest in how Masches are doing.