Need A Pregnancy Pick Me Up? Eat An Apple!
If you are feeling a little low during your pregnancy enjoy an apple! They are sweet, yummy and loaded with health benefits.
Here are some of those benefits:
The SEATON study, conducted at the University of Aberdeen, UK, found that the children of mothers who ate the most apples were less likely to ever have wheezed or have doctor-confirmed asthma at the age of 5 years.
- Apples have powerful antioxidants called flavonoids, which can help prevent against cancer.
- Apples and apple juice are two important foods contributing the mineral boron to the diet, which may promote bone health.
- Apples contain natural fruit sugars, mostly in the form of fructose.
- Because of apples' high fiber content, the fruit's natural sugars are slowly released into the blood stream, helping maintain steady blood sugar levels.