Surprise! Egyptian Mom Delivers Six Babies After Only Expecting ONE

Wholly Christmas surprise!! A 27-year-old Egyptian woman gave birth to sextuplets this morning after she was admitted to hospital at 32 weeks gestation.

The two boys and four girls arrived via Caesarean section at the Asiut Educational Hospital, south of Cairo. The procedure lasted two hours.

After examining her, doctors informed Zeinab Mansour she was carrying six babies and not one as she and her supervising doctor had believed.

The couple had been trying to conceive for a few years and She was on medication to stimulate her ovulation cycle when she became pregnant.

The new dad , a young lawyer, said he and his wife are delighted. "But we will not have any more babies; this one time is enough."

Could you imagine thinking you were having one and getting six??? I see a diaper drive in this family's future.



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