What The Heck is A Bed Bug?
I decided to read up on them more and was surprised to hear that these unwanted creatures are more problematic that I thought.
Last summer, a city close to us had an outbreak of bedbugs. I was stressed out because my husband is such a neat freak, having bed bugs would freak him out.
Here are some scary bed bug facts:
- They are little bugs that are nocturnal(up at night) and feed off human blood
- They usually live inside of mattresses, where they have convenient access to a food source - you
- They crawl out just before dawn and bite you, sucking out blood for about five minutes.
- You don't feel anything until after the bed bug is already safely back in its home.
- They can infest all kinds of different places. but most often they chose the mattress - in the seams, the box springs, or sometimes the linens.
Sometimes people who travel abroad will find themselves with bed bugs because they will often crawl into your luggage and get carried back into your home. If you buy used clothes or used furniture, sometimes there can be bed bugs in them (they don't just live in beds, but anywhere near where people sleep). Buying something used and bringing it into your house, could be where you picked up your own set of bugs.
If you need more information please visit bedbugs