Could A 6 Minute Catnap Fix Your Mommy Brain?
Since having my son over 2 years ago, I have noticed my memory deteriorate significantly. I sometimes joke that my little guy took my memory for himself because his ability to remember things is unbelievable.
MSNBC has an interesting article, that covers a new study just released on “power naps.”
German researchers have shown that if you nap just six sublime minutes during the day, it will not only make you feel better but will also improve your ability to learn and remember.
The connection between sleep and learning is something that researchers have only recently pinpointed, but many people know from their own experience — such as the mathematician who says he’s going to sleep on a problem and has a Eureka! moment upon nodding off.
Researchers go on to say that:
During sleep, the brain “gets rid of what you don’t need so that during the next period of wakefulness, you’re ready to acquire more information."
Can you believe that I can possibly get my brain back between 3:00 and 3:06? It sounds too good to be true...